Obstetrics in Colorado Springs, CO
What obstetric services are available?
To ensure you receive the highest quality care before, during, and after your pregnancy, Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology offers a wide range of obstetric services, including:
- Family planning counseling
- Pre-pregnancy visits
- Prenatal care and screenings
- Labor and delivery care
- Obstetrical anesthesia
- Postpartum follow-ups
The team uses the latest screening technologies, including ultrasound, to monitor the health and development of your baby through every stage of pregnancy.
If you need help conceiving a child, our team provides preconception counseling and reproductive medicine services to identify and treat infertility issues.
What is a high-risk pregnancy?
A high-risk pregnancy is one that involves factors that put your health or the health of your baby at risk due to underlying health issues or complications that develop during pregnancy.
Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology tailors high-risk pregnancy care to your needs and offers services to address high-risk pregnancy factors like:
- Multiple babies
- Chronic hypertension
- Incompetent cervix
- Cesarean section (C-section) delivery
- Vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC)
- Diabetes and gestational diabetes
- Premature labor and delivery
To determine if your pregnancy is high-risk, Dr. Tubbs reviews your personal and family medical history and existing health during your initial evaluation. He outlines a care plan based on your needs for prenatal care and planning a safe labor and delivery.
You may need to schedule more frequent office visits that allow Dr. Tubbs to carefully monitor the health of you and your baby. Additional screenings may also be necessary to ensure your baby is growing and developing properly.
When should I schedule an obstetrics visit?
Ideally, you should make an appointment with Dr. Tubbs as soon as you suspect you’re pregnant. He can confirm the pregnancy and begin providing prenatal care services right away.
When you’re planning to conceive but aren’t yet pregnant, Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology provides pre-pregnancy visits and guidance to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy. This is especially important if you have high-risk pregnancy issues, like diabetes or another chronic disease.
If you’re struggling to conceive despite several months of unprotected sex, you can request a consultation to discuss options for reproductive medicine.
Schedule an obstetrics consultation at Associates in Obstetrics & Gynecology over the phone or by requesting an appointment online today.